Michel Bosman Research Group
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Principal Investigator
Michel Bosman
Associate Professor
Email: msemb[at]nus.edu.sg
Michel Bosman is an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore and a Scientist at the A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and Engineering in Singapore, specializing in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). He is eligible as primary supervisor for NGS/ISEP & A*GA students; more information here.
Group Members
Post Doctorate Scholars
Adam Krzysztof Budniak
Research Fellow
Email: abudniak[at]nus.edu.sg
Adam received his Bachelor's degrees both in Chemistry and Physics in 2013 and a Master’s degree in Chemistry in 2015 from the University of Warsaw (Poland). In 2021 he defended his Ph.D. in synthesis and investigation of layered semiconductors. Then, at the end of 2021, he joined Prof. Bosman's group. Adam’s research interest is a synthesis of layered materials and nanoparticles and their structural investigation, with a focus on electron microscopy: SEM, TEM and STEM.
Usha Bhat
Research Fellow
Email: ushabhat[at]nus.edu.sg
Usha received her Master's degrees in Physics in 2014 from the University of Mysore (India). In 2021, she defended her Ph.D. thesis "Quantitative imaging and alternative proposals on image simulation and reconstruction in atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy" at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India. She worked as a Research Associate at JNCASR from 2021 to 2022 and joined Prof. Bosman's group in September 2022. Usha's areas of research involve use of advanced electron microscopy, such as aberration corrected TEM and 4D STEM.
Yu Yong
Research Fellow
Email: e0338275[at]u.nus.edu
Yu Yong received his bachelor's and master's degree from the University of science and technology Beijing majoring in metallurgical engineering and material science and engineering, respectively. His research interests now are the application of advanced STEM/TEM techniques in the study of energy material (especially thermoelectric material). The specific techniques include aberration-corrected STEM/ TEM, atomic resolution EDS and EELS, E-field mapping via DPC, potential mapping by electron holography, strain mapping by GPA and Nano-beam diffraction.
Do Thi Bich Hue
Research Fellow
Email: hue.do[at]u.nus.edu
Hue received her B.Eng. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2019 from the National University of Singapore (NUS). She then did her Ph.D. in NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering with a thesis titled "Quantitive Electron Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale Dynamics of Plasmons". She is interested in combining computational nanophotonics with advanced electron spectroscopy (eg: monochromated EELS) and electron microscopy (eg: electron ptychography).
PhD Students
Zhang Xinyue
Ph.D Candidate
Email: e0511888[at]u.nus.edu
Zhang Xinyue received her B.E. degree from the Dalian University of Technology in applied chemistry in 2017 and a degree of Master of Energy Science in 2019 from Kyoto University. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is working on colloidal and nanopatterned metals, and the effect of heat-induced structural changes on surface plasmon resonances.
Jagadesh Rangaraj
Ph.D Candidate
Email: jagadesh.rangaraj[at]u.nus.edu
Jagadesh received his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, India in 2017 and obtained a degree in M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2019. He is currently a PhD candidate under the NUS Research Scholarship in the department of Materials Science and Engineering. Jagadesh’s area of research focuses on Nanopatterning of encapsulated 2D materials using Focused Ion Beam Microcopy and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Yang Jianmin
Ph.D Candidate
Email: e0546047[at]u.nus.edu
Yang Jianmin received her B.E. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2016 from the Northeastern University and a degree of Master of Materials Science and Engineering in 2019 from Beihang University. She joined Prof. Bosman’s group in August 2020. Her work focuses on advanced samples preparation methods (FIB, microtomy) and ultrafast diffraction.
He Ya
Ph.D Candidate
Email: heya[at]u.nus.edu
He Ya received her B.Eng. in Energy and Power Engineering at Chongqing University in 2020 and obtained her M.Sc. degree in Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore in 2021. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Materials Science and Engineering department. She is interested in plasmonic 2D materials using electron microscopy/spectroscopy.
Su Hongxi
Ph.D Candidate
Email: e0816341[at]u.nus.edu
Su Hongxi received his B.Eng. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2021 from Central South University (CSU) and set off his journey in NUS as a Master Student in the same year. He is currently a Ph.D candidate in MSE. His work focuses on 4D STEM data processing under the guidance of Prof. Bosman and Dr. Shoucong Ning.
Nikolai Lavrentev
Ph.D Candidate
Email: lavrentev[at]u.nus.edu
Nikolai received his bachelor's in Optical Engineering from MIREA — Russian Technological University, Moscow in 2020 and obtained a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 2022. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Materials Science and Engineering department. He is interested in the study and design of plasmonic nanostructures for solar energy applications using theoretical simulations, electron beam lithography as well as STEM and EELS techniques.
Zheng He
Ph.D Candidate
Email: zheng_he[at]u.nus.edu
Zheng He received her B.E. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2022 from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) and pursued a degree of Master of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the same year. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate under a scholarship from MOE in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Her work focuses on high-resolution imaging and 4D STEM of atomically-thin materials.
Co-Supervised Students
1. Li Zhipeng (co-supervised with Prof. Z. Dong, NTU, graduated in April 2013, now Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)
2. Tan Shu Fen (co-supervised with Prof. C.A. Nijhuis, NUS, graduated in January 2016, now Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, NTU Singapore)
3. Manveer Munde (co-supervised with Prof. A. Shluger, UCL, graduated in April 2017, now Principal Consultant at Red Oak Consulting, UK)
4. Janaki Shanmugam (co-supervised with Prof. A. Kirkland, Oxford, graduated in April 2018, now Portfolio Program Associate at TDK Ventures, Boston, USA)
5. Mei Sen (Graduated in May 2018, now at Huawei, China)
6. Kamal Patel (co-supervised with Prof. A. Shluger, UCL, graduated in October 2020, now Data Scientist at Virgin Media O2, UK)
7. Tan Chuan Fu (co-supervised with Prof. G.W. Ho, NUS, graduated in April 2021, now AI Researcher at Johnson Controls, Singapore)
8. Daria Kieczka (co-supervised with Prof. Shluger, UCL, UK)
Our Group's PhD Alumni
1. Chung JingYang (Graduated in December 2021, now Research Fellow in the NUS - Advanced Materials Corporate Lab, Singapore )
2. Leyi Loh (Graduated in November 2022, now Research Fellow in the group of Prof. Goki Eda, NUS)
3. Yu Yong (Graduated in November 2022, now Research Fellow in our group)
4. Do Thi Bich Hue (Graduated in May 2024, now Research Fellow in our group)